How You Can Get Into Drinking Coffee


Drinking coffee may be something you have never thought about doing before, if you tried it only once and didn’t like it. Many people will try a cup of coffee, black, and think it is too bitter or strong for them to drink. After that one negative experience they may never try it again, and truly be missing out on a wonderful beverage! The key to starting to drink coffee is to take baby steps and not be afraid to try new things. After that, coffee very well may become your favorite beverage in the world.

I love drinking ithmah coffee, but you will rarely find me drinking a black cup of coffee. For me, I need a little cream and sugar to sweeten it up and make it more palatable. Now, I have to say if I am drinking something extra special such as Kona or Jamaican Blue Mountain, I will definitely be sipping on it black. However, for the majority of the time I am either drinking a flavored blend, or adding a touch of sweetener to the coffee to lighten things up. This is a great idea for a beginner drinker. Start by sipping a light roast and adding a bit of cream or milk and sugar to your cup. That way you still get the subtle notes of the blend, without all the bitterness that may be too much at one time.

Another great idea is to start drinking a flavored blend to start with. Something like French Vanilla, Mocha or Cinnamon Bun is the perfect way to ease into drinking coffee. This gives you the punch of the coffee and a little added flavor to sweeten the pot. Personally, I loved a nice flavored blend and drink them quite often. These are also great for keeping on hand when entertaining or having company over.

If you have tried flavored coffee, and also coffee with a touch of cream and sugar, and you still do not enjoy the taste, think about trying a fancy coffee drink such as a Frappuccino, latte, mocha or cappuccino. A Frappuccino is a sweet frozen beverage that anyone could love! The only thing you have to think about when drinking a Frappuccino is the calorie count! They can be quite heavy in sugar and fat – that is probably why they taste so great! A mocha is a delicious chocolate flavored coffee that is sure to please all chocolate lovers. Cappuccino and latte are a lighter version of coffee drinks and a great way to start trying the world of coffee!


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